Furniture Assembly
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Handy Happiness Guarantee.Affordable, upfront pricing.
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An experienced, fully-equipped professional will show up on time at your doorstep.
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Robert T.
David R.
Robert A.
Customer Reviews
9,585 Reviews for Furniture Assembly
carleen M.
Did a nice job assembling my piece. Unfortunately didn’t notice that the item was damaged before it was fully assembled.
Ilana N.
Jose helped assemble our new queen size bed for us. He was very nice and helpful. We will gladly work with him again.
Mary S.
Barry was very professional. He worked efficiently and cleaned up all the packaging. He was also very friendly & polite.
Ace D.
Man is a true professional great worker has no proble talking to you and showed up to get the job done.
Aditya K.
Five star for Ben. He showed up and did good work. 1 star for handy customer service (who canceled my appointment unexpectedly).
Elizabeth D.
Michael was prompt and efficient with the dis-assembly of my unit. Best experience with a handyman yet.
Montrena B.
Brooks, was great. I will most definitely use this service again. Thank you Brooks, for a awesome job.
Michael V.
Vince was fantastic. Prompt, courteous, quick and clean. I recommend him 110%, and would definitely hire him again.
Laurence R.
Your HANDY Professionals did a great job. very efficient, careful and courteous. I was very pleased.
Ilya K.
Juan was an excellent and skilled handyman that did a terrific job putting together a table and chairs in my apartment, despite not having the best materials to work with. He was a true professional and I would recommend him highly to anyone looking for help with furniture assembly. Thank you Juan!