Handy Pro is now Angi Services.  Learn More

Grow your business with Angi Services.

Grow your business with Angi Services.

Access hundreds of local jobs with no commitment! Claim the jobs you want to build your own schedule.

Start with no commitment.

Explore jobs near you. You're only responsible when you claim one.

Choose your schedule.

Decide when you want to work and how often. It's up to you.

Get upfront pricing.

See prices customers are paying for jobs before you claim them. Get potential loyalty rewards, too.

Pros like you are winning with Angi.

What I really like is that I can take a couple of jobs a day, and I don’t have to deal with the headache of finding my own customers and dealing with payments.

Handyman, Boston
Application requirements:
  • Have paid experience with the services you're applying for
  • Pass a background check
  • Show proof of a valid ID
  • Must attest to possessing all applicable licensing and registration for any jobs claimed
Angi Services isn't an employer. We connect businesses and independent service professionals with customers.
Enter the email you started your application with to check your status.
We sent an email with your application status and details on what you need to do next.