Asia Grace H.
Cleaner serving Phoenix
26 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
Thank you!
February 2017
San Francisco, CA
So thorough. Thank you Asia!
February 2017
San Francisco, CA
Came 30min+ late, knocked over a speaker, and did not put bathroom mats/toiletries back in place after moving them.
January 2017
San Francisco, CA
I thought this was cancelled.
January 2017
San Francisco, CA
Thank you so much, Grace! You're one of the best !!
December 2016
San Francisco, CA
loved it all, she did a thorough job
December 2016
San Francisco, CA
December 2016
San Francisco, CA
I prefer if she brought ber own supplies. I also think she pooped in my bathroom. She always uses my bathroom when shes here
December 2016
San Francisco, CA
great work!
November 2016
San Francisco, CA
Greet attention to detail but hope she can move a little faster next time
November 2016
San Francisco, CA