Avery B.
Cleaner serving Washington, DC
123 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
Thank you again, Avery, for going above and beyond!! Happy holidays!!
December 2016
Washington, DC, DC
Thx for always doing a great job. Happy holidays!
December 2016
Washington, DC, DC
Good work
December 2016
Washington, DC, DC
Avery is always fantastic - does everything needed and more!!!
November 2016
Washington, DC, DC
Awesome Amazing Job!
November 2016
Washington, DC, DC
Avery was very thorough. He made sure he got all the spots that other people some times overlook. I would be pleased to hire him again!
November 2016
Washington, DC, DC
Avery was fantastic. Would absolutely recommend
November 2016
Washington, DC, DC
Thanks so much! I love that you get under the bed and couch! Have a good weekend :)
November 2016
Washington, DC, DC
Avery does a great job!
October 2016
Washington, DC, DC
The place looks great, especially the floors. Thank your for your time and attention to detail!
October 2016
Washington, DC, DC