Enrique R.
Cleaner serving Los Angeles and Orange County
212 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
Not only was Enrique friendly and thorough - he came with all the necessary tools and did an awesome job. Thank you Enrique
October 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Very patient, he did an incredible job
September 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Very thorough, friendly and resourceful
September 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Amazing! Thank you
August 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Enrique is in general fine but he missed window trims and also rolled up blinds probably broke them without releasing them back
August 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Awesome cleaning, house looks stunning! Thanks!
August 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Very professional - on-time, communicates well and excellent service overall. The glass was so clean that my girlfriend banged her head against it by accident
August 2018
Los Angeles, CA
thank you Enrique! Made my apartment better!
August 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Super sweet, attentive, and thorough. Even fixed a loose screw of his own volition
August 2018
Los Angeles, CA
We will miss you. Hope you find someone to take your lease.
August 2018
Portland, OR