Erica M.
Cleaner serving New York, Westchester, and Hudson County (NJ)
116 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
She’s the best
March 2020
New York, NY
She did a great job and was great with the puppy.
March 2020
New York, NY
amazing job!
November 2019
New York, NY
The bedt
December 2018
New York, NY
This was my first booking with Erica. She made sure to ask what I wanted her to focus on. She did a fantastic job, my apartment is sparkling clean!
December 2018
New York, NY
Came back and shower curtain/rod was on ground and was not made aware.
Appreciate her flexibility and accommodating our schedules.
June 2018
New York, NY
Did a great job — was thorough and very polite!
March 2018
New York, NY
Came home and my apartment was spotless! Erica really cared about details.
November 2017
New York, NY
On-time, professional, and comprehensive. Can't wait to have her back!
September 2017
New York, NY
Erica does a super good job with attention to details!
August 2017
New York, NY