Isabel M.
Cleaner serving Miami and Ft Lauderdale
37 repeat clients
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My name is Isabel
I've been a home cleaner for 5 years in New York and Miami Florida ,
and I have experience with both apartments and home.
All reviews from verified customers
happy holidays
December 2016
Miami, FL
Thank you!!
September 2016
New York, NY
Great work! Thank you
August 2016
Miami, FL
Thank you for a great experience!
August 2016
Miami, FL
Amazing attention to detail; master dusting skills. Im so pleased.
August 2016
New York, NY
She is great! Thank you.
August 2016
New York, NY
How can i help Isabel and Handy?
August 2016
New York, NY
Thank you!
July 2016
Miami, FL
Thanks Isabel! I gave you best ratings, see you soon!
July 2016
Miami, FL
Isabel was fantastic
July 2016
Miami, FL