Maria Zeferina G.
Cleaner serving Chicago
53 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
Maria did an impeccable job! My place is very small but she actually stayed the full 3 hours and cleaned under absolutely everything. I highly recommend her.
December 2019
Chicago, IL
Maria was great! Arrived a bit early, did a fantastic job a our dog loved her :)
December 2019
Chicago, IL
Maria is wonderful- friendly and did a beautiful job for our condo. Our cats love her too!
December 2019
Chicago, IL
Maria arrived right on time & did a great job cleaning my apartment! One of the best cleanings I’ve had!
September 2019
Chicago, IL
Thank you!
July 2019
Chicago, IL
Amazing Job!
November 2018
Chicago, IL
Thank you so much!!! Best job yet from Handy! Look forward to seeing you again!
November 2018
Chicago, IL
Maria was prompt—no wait, she was a few minutes early to get herself organized. I like that! She had a friendly demeanor and did a fantastic job in my apartment!
October 2018
Chicago, IL
Maria does a wonderful job with our place.
September 2018
Chicago, IL
great and thorough service.
August 2018
Chicago, IL