Namone J.
Cleaner serving San Francisco and East Bay (SF)
22 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
Namone was so nice, polite, and professional. He was super thorough and friendly and gave me extra confidence in the Handy service.
June 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
So kind and does an amazing job!
June 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
Thank you!
May 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
Thanks great Namone!
April 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
Great work man! Can u come back this Sunday at 2PM?
March 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
the best!
March 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
Incredible! The cleanest i have ever seen our kitchen floors. He even moved the oven and the couch to clean behind... who does that? So amaz
February 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
Thank you!
February 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
Thank you the place looks awesome!
February 2017
East Bay (SF), CA
Thanks! See you again in 2 weeks. :)
February 2017
East Bay (SF), CA