Isabel G.
Cleaner serving Peninsula (SF)
52 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
Thank you so much! You were amazing!
February 2016
Peninsula (SF), CA
I highly recommend her. Give her a raise! :). Please tell her I said hi and please come again. Good luck!
November 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA
Great job, come more times! haha
November 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA
Onelia is the best!!!
August 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA
Fast and thorough! Thanks so much and look forward to next time :)
August 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA
Sorry for my delayed response! Onelia is wonderful, and I hope she will continue to be the cleaning professional who takes care of my place!
August 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA
Onelia is fantastic! She does a superb job with our apartment and is very nice!
July 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA
She was great. What is her name as we would like to have her for our next cleaning.
July 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA
Very thorough and good attention to detail especially upstairs.
July 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA
They did an absolutely terrific job. Our last person paid no attention to detail. Our service this week was a stark, most welcome, contrast.
July 2015
Peninsula (SF), CA