Raquel A.
Cleaner serving West Long Island and East Long Island
40 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
one of the best! thorough and complete.
April 2017
New York, NY
Very detail oriented
April 2017
New York, NY
Raquel is great!!
February 2017
New York, NY
Great communication and work#
October 2016
New York, NY
She was great!
October 2016
New York, NY
Thanks so much!
October 2016
New York, NY
Great work! The apartment looked wonderful when I got home tonight. Thanks a lot!
October 2016
New York, NY
looked great!
October 2016
New York, NY
Best cleaner by far. We have had a lot of amateurs recently. It is good to get a pro again.
June 2016
New York, NY
Great! Very nice and on time! Very thorough
May 2016
New York, NY