Sabrina P.
Cleaner serving New York and Hudson County (NJ)
21 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
June 2016
New York, NY
Sabrina was amazing! She arrived early which was much appreciated. I loved the stuff she used on my floors and my placed smelled amazing!
June 2016
New York, NY
Was great!
June 2016
New York, NY
Sabrina was AWESOME
May 2016
New York, NY
great work! thank u!
May 2016
New York, NY
Great job!!
May 2016
New York, NY
Thank you Sabrina!!!! Hope your knee feels better ❤️
April 2016
New York, NY
Chairs left o top of dining table. Mat not replaced on kitchen floor. Shower curtain left on top of rod. Toilet seat and cover left up.
April 2016
New York, NY
Thank you for all your hard work! You did a great job!
April 2016
New York, NY
Great work!
April 2016
New York, NY