Tanya A.
Cleaner serving New York and Hudson County (NJ)
19 repeat clients
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All reviews from verified customers
Tanya has been our favorite Pro for a year and she's great! The house always sparkles when she's done. Hard worker, always on time!
September 2019
New York, NY
We were very impressed - the house looks beautiful!
September 2018
New York, NY
Tanya is great! Highly recommend!
January 2018
New York, NY
Great job!
October 2017
New York, NY
Fantastic job, as always!
June 2017
New York, NY
Great job, as always! Super clean.
April 2017
New York, NY
Two thumbs up!
March 2017
New York, NY
Another great job! Really happy with the service.
February 2017
New York, NY
Great job as always!
January 2017
New York, NY
Great job, as always!
December 2016
New York, NY