Furniture Assembly
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screened professionals.Friendly 24/7 customer service.
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Handy Happiness Guarantee.Affordable, upfront pricing.
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How Handy Works
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Your pro arrives
An experienced, fully-equipped professional will show up on time at your doorstep.
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Meet Some of the Top Furniture Assembly Pros on Handy
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Kirk O.
Leonora L.
Justin T.
Customer Reviews
9,585 Reviews for Furniture Assembly
Rukmini G.
Arthur did an amazing job of assembling a six drawer chest in just 50minutes. He was extremely professional and friendly.
Griselle T.
Handy man was punctual, professional, and very organized. He did a fantastic job assembling the beautiful desk we purchased.
Vanessa M.
Olu was wonderful. Knew exactly how to assemble this complicated piece of furniture--a filing cabinet--and was on time and quick and nice to me cat too! Definitely recommend him!
Emily S.
Joesph went above and beyond to put together my tv stand. He spent all the time needed to make sure everything was just right.
James W.
Tural arrived on time, was clean and respectful throughout the service and did a fantastic job. Would highly recommend!
Mimma L.
He was very professional and was here at the time that I requested. I will definitely use them again.
Summaiya w.
Joe is an awesome guy, he knows what exactly customer is looking for. would definitely recommend !!
Awesome job putting furniture together for me and with me! If I ever need help again, I know who to call!
Janell W.
This was my first time using Handy and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results ! He was on time, fast and polite .
Nick P.
Tucker did an amazing job! He was super fast, very friendly and exceeded my expectations. Fantastic!