Chicago Handyman Service

Vetted professionals

Pros using the Handy platform are experienced, friendly, and 


Next day availability

Book online in 60 seconds and schedule your home service for as early as tomorrow.

Our Happiness Guarantee

Your happiness is our goal. If you’re not happy, 

we’ll work hard to make it right.

Manage Everything Online

Rescheduling, contacting your professional, and paying are just a tap away.

Meet Some of the Top Professionals on Handy

Download the app to search and book top professionals in your area. Build a pro team so that you always have a great group of go-to professionals for all your household needs.

Anthony G.

Handy Premium Pro
62 jobs completed
Hey! I'm Tony, I'm a foreman for a solar company full time and like to do projects on the side. I'm pretty handy with most trades, so no job is too small or too big.

Felice P.

Handy Premium Pro
17 jobs completed
My name is Felice & I specialize in cleaning condos & apartments. My prior professional background for the last decade was in a specialty cosmetic procedure as a Medical Assistant. I have spent nearly my entire life cleaning for myself & found the joy & happiness I get helping others out by cleaning for them & seeing the reactions from my pristine work I provide.

Jose A.

Handy Premium Pro
11 jobs completed
My name is Jose and I have been in the handyman/remodeling business for close to 20 years. I’m very knowledgeable, dependable and prepared for most situations. It’ll be my pleasure to lend my expertise and help out with any project you have, big or small.

Chicago Handyman Service

We all know that feeling when something breaks at home, and we put off fixing it. A switch stops working or the drain doesn't work as well as it used to. Whether your bathroom needs resealing, or you need a drywall repair, Handy has you covered with home repair experts.


Since 2012 we’ve been proudly connecting our customers with providers of handyman services all over the country to fix issues both big and small. Here in Chicago, you can book a handyman at the touch of a button with the Handy app or website. With our Handy Happiness Guarantee and vetted pros, we’re confident you won’t be disappointed with your handyman services.


Customer Reviews

4,580 Reviews for Handyman Service

Michael M.

I booked for two hours and it took longer cuz I under estimated. He stayed and made sure it was done right. Working for 4 straight hours. Excellent service. Looks great.

Ellie B.

Thank you so much for doing such a great job i wish i could attach a pic of the light with the crystals on it. Beautiful!!

Letitia M.

Jack was great! Very professional, genuine and efficient. He even showed up a bit early to ensure the job was done on time.

David W.

Steve was prompt, courteous, and did an excellent job. I would recommend his work to anyone. Thank you!

Sarah W.

Mario was professional and speedy! He came prepared to do exactly what I was looking for. Would gladly work with him again.

Nicholas H.

Jose was great! Called beforehand to provide an appt reminder, get a quick understanding of the project agenda. He set it up in 30 min.

oliver a.

Rick was amazing. He managed to look at all possibilities to install my dishwasher and he made it work. He's a superstar.

Alvie L.

Bogdan was polite, efficient, and professional and did great work. Had all the right tools when he showed up and moved quickly.

Mital P.

Gabe was very professional and efficient. He strung up our globe lights in the pattern we wanted and put up out bike rack in our garage.

redacted r.

Darren was FANTASTIC! Very thorough, detailed and customer oriented! Will definitely refer him to my family!!!

Chicago Statistics

Active Pros in Chicago
Chicago Handyman Service Reviews
Positive Reviews

Choose Handy for all your handyman services in Chicago

Sometimes the hardest thing about hiring a general contractor is that you're not even sure what the problem is. Who do you call for your particular job? With our handyman service, we'll do all the hard work for you. All you need to do is tell us about your home repair problems, and we'll send a vetted and screened handyman who'll be able to fix them. Simple as that!


Whether it's a job for an electrician, a plumber or you just need general labor, our fast and affordable experts will be picked explicitly for your situation. No more frantic Googling and worrying. We've got some of the best handyman professionals in Chicago, so whether it's fixing a wobbly closet or a full-on home remodeling job, we've got your back. Professionals on the Handy platform work around your clock -- your handyman will come when you want them to. Don't spend your evenings and weekends fiddling around under the blocked sink or getting messy replastering the bathroom, book a Chicago handyman through our app and head out to Wrigley to catch a Cubs game.

Backed by the Handy Happiness Guarantee

Your happiness is our goal. If you're not happy, 

we’ll work hard to make it right.

Featured Blog Posts

A Note to Pros: Handy’s Response to FTC and NYAG Agreement

Handy Spokesperson | January 7, 2025

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Leave it to your Chicago handyman to do the hard work

Maybe you want to take the kids for a run in Millennium Park this weekend. Or maybe you feel your Instagram could really benefit from a few selfies in front of The Bean. Or maybe it’s been way too long since you went out for a day on Lake Michigan. Whatever it is you love spending your time on, Chicago is a great place to do it. That's even more reason to leave the DIY books on the shelf and book your Chicago handyman with our Handy app. Free time is precious!


Whether you live in Humbolt Park or Englewood, Rosewood or West Ridge, let a vetted handyman do your home repairs while you take some time for yourself and your family.