Furniture Assembly
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screened professionals.Friendly 24/7 customer service.
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Handy Happiness Guarantee.Affordable, upfront pricing.
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How Handy Works
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Your pro arrives
An experienced, fully-equipped professional will show up on time at your doorstep.
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Meet Some of the Top Furniture Assembly Pros on Handy
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Nikita Y.
Jose H.
Philipp S.
Customer Reviews
9,525 Reviews for Furniture Assembly
Anthony A.
Was on time along with his co-worker. Very professional demeanor, courteous, & took care on the product he was assembling.
Karen L.
Aza showed up on time and brought all the tools for the job. He put my table together quickly and it looks amazing! If I would have tried to do it myself I probably would have been sobbing after 15 minutes. I look forward to having him back for more projects I need done!
Sheryl P.
Gregory finished putting our entertainment center together. He is friendly, and hard working, professional and polite!
Sukari B.
Durel assembled my gas bbq grill. He was on time, extremely courteous and did a great job with the assembly.
Francisco did a wonderful job. He was on time, professional, went beyond the job he was highered to do. He reconnected the TV wires.
Michelle A.
I had a great experience with John. He arrived on time, and was friendly and professional. John assembled my son's bed with ease in a timely manner, was nice and neat, then he was on his way. I will definitely use Handy again and request to have John assigned to me. I'm so happy to know that Handy exists! What a great idea!
Dani S.
The quality of cleaning there were certain things that I noticed that were incomplete or forgotten about.
Jessica B.
Mike was very friendly and professional. He put our dresser together in under 2 hours and it looks wonderful! I would recommend him.
Karen P.
Joshua showed up early and completed the work in no time at all. He is friendly and very competent.
Tammy G.
Ernest was nice, professional, and even came early! He did a great job! He even took the big box of trash to the dumpster for me. Thank you!